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Screw dewatering

What is Screw Dewatering?

Screw dewatering is an operation that removes water from several types of materials with a screw press or the Mingjia volute press for dewatering. It is an approach helpful separating liquids and solids in lot of industries. This technology is efficient, safe, and revolutionary, which is an answer that will work applications that are numerous.

Benefits of Screw Dewatering

Screw dewatering has advantages which are several. First, it truly is cost-effective, and so its affordable to create and continue maintaining. Next, it has a cost a  lot of, which increases effectiveness and productivity available on the market. More over, it minimizes the amount of waste generated. Mingjia Screw dewatering reduces the dimensions of slurry and eliminates the necessity for losing huge amounts of water, rendering it environmentally friendly.

Why choose Mingjia Screw dewatering?

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