Take the case with producing compost or biogas for example: there are pretty much two different paths to make it (on a very high level, see these Wikipedia articles on aerobic and anaerobic). This may seem like a lot to take in, but these are some terms you need to know familiarize yourself with. So, what do they mean? For food waste and plant parts, microorganisms perform aerobic fermentation to convert this material into a re-usable resource based on whether or not oxygen is present. They breathe the airCan you think like a easy breathing. To take me as an example, I was fed chopped up straw and water — anaerobic fermentation. During the early months of 2020, while everyone in America was getting sick our healthcare workers were gasping for air as if they worked inside a sealed umbilical room.
A Comparison This means that the Cost Depends on the Number of Fermentation Tanks
Designed by Stephen Pruitt High-temperature Algae Aerobic Fermentation Tanks Anaerobic Conditions
Heat up properly the container of aerobic fermentation tank by Mingjia until between 50 and 60C, what could help speed the composting process greatly. So, if you need compost fast this Fermentation equipment is a great solution. However, the tank is large and making it warm does add up in energy costs. So getting a quick meal, but you actually spend more money on cooking.
Which Tank Is Best for you?
If you are in a hurry to make compost and have the energy for heating up such fermenter, then an aerobic Fermentation tank of high temperature may be suitable for you. However, if you are more interested in producing biogas and have no problem with the fact that compost will only be ready after a longer time, then some type of anaerobic fermentation vessel might been designed for your purposes.
Things to Consider
Aerobic fermentation needs oxygen to operate (has the help of science and bacteria in this case) while anaerobic Fermentation vessel does not.